Information overload is a common challenge today. If you’re a content creator, you should strive to convey complex ideas in a simple and engaging manner. How to make infographics in PowerPoint is a skill that can be a game-changer in breaking down information barriers.

For one, PowerPoint is one of the most popular tools today, having been used by over 20 million people worldwide. Many people, though, do not realize MS PowerPoint’s potential – beyond presentations, this can actually be a good basic designing tool, too.

In this article, we will explore the art of creating impactful infographics, why they matter, and provide a step-by-step guide on crafting them using Microsoft PowerPoint.

What Is an Infographic?

At its core, an infographic is a visual representation of information, data, or knowledge. It combines text, images, and design elements to communicate complex ideas quickly and clearly. Creating infographics in PowerPoint allows you to transform mundane data into an engaging visual story.

Infographics are powerful tools for simplifying information and enhancing comprehension. They leverage the human brain’s preference for visual content, making it easier to digest and remember complex details. 

The Famous Periodic Table of Elements by Mendeleev is a classic example of a good infographic material.

One iconic example is the periodic table of elements—an ingenious arrangement simplifying the complexities of chemical elements, guiding scientists and students through the understanding of fundamental properties and relationships among elements.

Types of Infographics: When to Use Them?

Before delving into the process of making infographics in PowerPoint, it’s crucial to understand the different types of infographics and when to use them.

Whether it’s a flowchart for a process, a comparison infographic, or a timeline, each type serves a specific purpose in presenting information effectively.


Ideal for representing processes, decision trees, or step-by-step guides. This is also a common format for workflow diagrams and business model canvas.

They’re excellent for showing the flow of actions, procedures, or sequences in a visually intuitive manner. Use flowchart infographics when explaining a complex series of actions or outlining a workflow.

Comparison Infographics

These infographics are designed to juxtapose two or more items, concepts, products, or data points.

They’re effective for highlighting differences, similarities, pros and cons, or any form of side-by-side comparison. Use them when you want to present contrasts or make a decision between options.

Statistical Infographics

These infographics focus on presenting data and statistics using charts, graphs, or visual representations. They’re suitable for displaying numerical information, trends, percentages, or any statistical data in a visually appealing format.

Map Infographics

Utilized for displaying geographical data, distribution patterns, or location-based information. Map infographics are beneficial when presenting regional statistics, demographics, or any information related to specific geographic areas.

How to Make Infographics in PowerPoint?

Microsoft PowerPoint is a widely accessible tool that many of us are familiar with, yet not everyone fully utilizes its potential for creating infographics.

Beyond its standard use for presentations, PowerPoint offers a user-friendly interface and a variety of design elements that make it an excellent choice for crafting visually appealing infographics. Take a look at these steps:

Define Your Purpose

Before diving into PowerPoint, have a clear understanding of the message you want to convey. Define your key points and the main takeaway for your audience.

Gather Data

Collect the data you want to present in your infographic. Ensure it is relevant, accurate, and supports your overall message.

Choose a Template

PowerPoint provides a range of templates that can jumpstart your infographic design. Select one that aligns with your content and tweak it to suit your needs.

Add Visual Elements

Infographics thrive on visuals. Incorporate icons, images, and charts to make your data more engaging and comprehensible.

Customize Design

Tailor the design to match your brand or personal style. Adjust colors, fonts, and layouts to create a visually cohesive infographic.

Arrange Elements

Organize your elements logically. Ensure a smooth flow of information from start to finish, guiding the viewer through your narrative.

Use SmartArt

PowerPoint’s SmartArt feature is a handy tool for creating visual representations of processes, hierarchies, and relationships. Explore its possibilities to enhance your infographic.

Add Text

Craft concise and impactful text to accompany your visuals. Use headers, subheadings, and bullet points to break down information into digestible chunks.

Review and Revise

Take a step back and review your infographic. Ensure that each element contributes to the overall message and that there is a balance between text and visuals.

Save and Share

Once satisfied with your creation, save your infographic in a format suitable for your intended use. Whether it’s for a presentation, a blog post, or social media, choose the right file type.

Creating Infographics Tips: 10 Things to Remember

Crafting compelling infographics involves remembering key elements such as design simplicity, data accuracy, and audience relevance among these top 10 crucial tips.

Clarity is Key

Ensure that your infographic is easy to understand at a glance. Use clear headings, simple language, and uncluttered design.

Consistency Matters

Maintain a consistent color scheme, font style, and overall design throughout your infographic for a polished look.

Tell a Story

Infographics are not just about data; they’re about storytelling. Craft a narrative that guides the viewer through your information logically.

Shapes can also mean specific things, especially in a workflow. Use these to maximize the use of visuals in your infographics.

Balance Text and Visuals

Strike a balance between text and visuals. Too much text can overwhelm, while too few visuals may fail to capture attention.

Use White Space

Don’t underestimate the power of white space. It helps prevent visual clutter and allows the viewer to focus on the essential elements.

Choose Relevant Icons

Icons are powerful visual elements. Select icons that directly relate to your content to enhance understanding.

Color Psychology

Understand the psychological impact of colors. Use them strategically to evoke the desired emotions and responses from your audience.

  • Red: Energetic and attention-grabbing, often associated with passion and urgency.
  • Blue: Trustworthy and calming, known to evoke feelings of security and professionalism.
  • Green: Symbolic of nature and growth, often linked to harmony and balance.
  • Yellow: Cheerful and optimistic, tends to stimulate creativity and grab attention.
  • Purple: Regal and creative, often associated with luxury, wisdom, and imagination.
  • Orange: Vibrant and energetic, exudes enthusiasm and a sense of adventure.
  • Black: Powerful and sophisticated, often used for a sense of elegance and authority.
  • White: Pure and clean, signifies simplicity, clarity, and purity in design.
  • Gray: Neutral and practical, conveys balance and professionalism without being too overpowering.
  • Pink: Playful and romantic, commonly linked to sweetness and youthfulness.

Mobile-Friendly Design

With the prevalence of mobile devices, ensure your infographic is optimized for different screen sizes. Test its readability on various devices.

Credit Your Sources

If your infographic includes data or information from external sources, be sure to provide proper attribution.

Feedback is Valuable

Before finalizing your infographic, seek feedback from peers or colleagues. Fresh perspectives can uncover areas for improvement.

Alternative Tools to Create Infographics

While PowerPoint is a robust option, several alternative tools cater specifically to infographic creation. Let’s explore a few:


Canva is a user-friendly online design tool that simplifies the graphic design process. It offers a vast library of templates, making it easy for users with varying design skills to create stunning infographics.


Piktochart is another web-based tool designed for creating infographics, presentations, and reports. It provides a drag-and-drop interface, making it accessible for beginners.


Visme is a versatile design tool that goes beyond infographics, offering options for presentations, reports, and social media graphics. It combines ease of use with powerful design capabilities.

Adobe Spark

Adobe Spark is part of the Adobe Creative Cloud suite, known for its professional-grade design tools. Spark allows users to create stunning visuals, including infographics, with ease.

Key Notes in Creating Infographics in PowerPoint

As you embark on your infographic-making journey in PowerPoint, keep these keynotes in mind:

  • Practice Consistency: Maintain a consistent design throughout your infographic for a polished and professional look.
  • Simplify Complexity: Use visuals to simplify complex information. Infographics should make information more accessible, not more confusing.
  • Engage Your Audience: Craft your infographic with your audience in mind. Consider their preferences, level of understanding, and the message you want to convey.
  • Iterate and Improve: Infographic design is an iterative process. Don’t hesitate to go back and make improvements based on feedback or evolving content.

Creating infographics in PowerPoint is a valuable skill that can enhance your ability to communicate effectively in a visually-driven world. Whether you choose PowerPoint or opt for alternative tools like Canva, Piktochart, Visme, or Adobe Spark, the key lies in merging information with compelling visuals.